Objectives and competences
1. Understanding the role of law in the society.
2. Recognizing basic property rights.
3. Understanding the influence of EU legislation on Slovenian legal system.
4. Recognizing characteristics of obligation and employment relationships
5. Understanding the civil law system of court protection.
6. Use of correctly and accurately expression of legal contents.
Content (Syllabus outline)
Within the Business Law the students will recognize the basics of law and national legal system (the term of law, legal rule, legal order, state regulation, etc.), basic characteristics of EU (the term of EU; legal order of EU, legal sources…) basics of Property law (property right, mortgage etc.) the grounds of Employment Law (employment relationship, employment contract), basics of obligation relationships (foundation, changes and termination of obligation relationships, damage claim obligations) and the basics of company law (the status of business subjects, foundation, governance and termination)
Learning and teaching methods
- classic lectures
- AV presentations
- case study
- solving problems.
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
Development of knowledge and understanding:
Students will be able to:
1. Differentiate legal and other rules.
2. Understand the content of legal relationships: rights and obligations on selected fields.
Cognitive/Intellectual skills:
1. Understanding: recognize the hierarchy of legal acts in national legal system and system of EU.
2. Analyse: differ mandatory and autonomous legal sources.
Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes
Key/Transferable skills
1. Self evaluation: complete the sentence of justice
2. Solving problems: develop ability of using theoretical knowledge in real life.
Practical skills:
Students learn to find legal sources.
Can analyse the time scale of validity of legal rules.
Obvezna študijska literatura (Compulsory textbooks):
Bratina, Jovanovič, Podgorelec, Primec: Osnove gospodarskega pogodbenega in statusnega prava, Maribor: Poslovna založba Maribor 2018 ter ustrezna zakonodaja ter članki iz tekoče pravne periodik); and adequate legislation and existing literature from legal periodicals).
Additional information on implementation and assessment Written exam 100% or
Three midterm colloquiums during the lectures: active cooperation on the lectures or tutorials or written seminar work, successfully represented can compensate one negative colloquium with 33,33%.