Objectives and competences
The course aims to provide students with a thorough insight in the fast growing and developing area of judicial co-operation in civil and commercial matters in the EU.
The course aims at promoting knowledge and understanding about the nature and operation of legal concepts of European Civil Procedure and interrelationship between EU law and national law, skills in applying theoretical knowledge to identifying, analyzing and solving practical cases as well as values and attitudes in regard to underlying principles, such as mutual trust and respect for fundamental procedural guarantees.
Content (Syllabus outline)
Development of judicial co-operation in civil matters in the European Union - a general overview
International Jurisdiction and recognition and enforcement in civil and commercial matters
- Brussels I Recast (No. 1215/2012)
- Comparison to Bussesls I (No. 44/2001)
Cross-border Service of Documents in Europe (Regulation (EC) No. 1393/2007) and the recast Regulation (EU) 2020/1784
Cross-border Taking of Evidence in Europe (Regulation (EC) No. 1206/2001) and the recast Regulation (EU) 2020/1783
European Enforcement Order for Uncontested Claims (Regulation no. No 805/2004)
European Payment Order (Regulation No. 1896/2006, amended with Regulation no. 2015/2421)
European small claims procedure (Regulation No. No 861/2007, amended with Regulation no. 2015/2421)
Provisional measures in crossborder civil matters
Succession Regulation (no. 650/2012)
European Account Preservation Order (No. 655/2014),
International judicial assistance in civil matters
Collective redress for mass-monetary claims
Learning and teaching methods
- Lectures and seminars
- Tutorials and e-tutorials
- e-Learning: to provide learning materials in different formats (written, online, audio, etc.).
- discussion in groups that encourage the participation of all students and help identify areas where students are having difficulties
- Analysis of case studies, which will be selected before the beginin of the course in academic year
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
The students will have a better understanding of the instruments, legal concepts and their underlying principles and of the structure of European Civil Procedure. They will be aware of the growing interplay between European and national civil procedure and will be able to critically evaluate the plans of future development and unification of procedural law. Students will be able to apply legislative norms and principles of the EU law to practical cases and thus effectively use their theoretical knowledge. Additionally, they will also be more aware of the fundamental similarities and differences in national civil procedure systems in EU.
- Repas and Rijavec (ed): Mednarodno zasebno pravo Evropske Unije, Uradni list, Ljubljena 2018 – izbrana poglavja
- Rijavec, Ivanc&Keresteš: Simplification of Debt Collection in the EU, Wolters Kluwer, 2014 – izbrana poglavja
- Rijavec, Ivanc&Keresteš: Dimension of Evidence in European Civil Procedure, 2015 – izbrana poglavja
- Rijavec, Kennett, Keresteš&Ivanc: Remedies Concerning Enforcement of Foreign Judgments, 2018 - izbrana poglavja
- Gottwald P.: The European Law of Civil Procedure (available at: http://www.ritsumei.ac.jp/acd/cg/law/lex/rlr22/GOTTWALD3767.pdf)
- EKART, Andrej, RIJAVEC, Vesna. Čezmejna izvršba v EU : osrednja tema evropskega civilnega procesnega prava. 1. natis. Ljubljana: GV založba, 2010
- Aleš Galič, Nina Betetto: Evropsko civilno procesno pravo, GV založba, 2011.
- Selected articles announced at the first lectures
- Legal sources:
• Bruseljska uredba Ia 1215/2012 /Bruseljska uredba 44/2001
• Uredba o evropskem izvršilnem naslovu – 805/2004
• Uredba o evropskem plačilnem nalogu -1896/2006
• Uredba o sporih majhne vrednosti -861/2007
• Uredba o dokazovanju- 1206/2001
• Uredba o zamrznitvi bančnih računov 655/2014
• Uredba o vročanju 1393/2007
• Uredba o dedovanju, 655/2012
• glede postopka subsidiarna uporaba lex fori
• praksa SEU : predhodna vprašanja za evroavtonomno razlago
No prerequisits.
Additional information on implementation and assessment Type (examination, oral, coursework, project):
- written examination 60 %
- Individual essay work – written and oral presentation : 30%
- Students should actively participate during the course classes; performance during course classes will form 10% of the overall grade