Objectives and competences
The aim of the course is to develop conceptual understanding of European Foreign Policy and EU external action and to develop analytical skills to apply this knowledge for policy analysis and prescription. Other competences of the student to be developed are expert analysis and academic writing, oral participation, group work.
Content (Syllabus outline)
The course firstly acquaints students with the theoretical and legal aspects of understanding EU external action as a specific arena of EU agency with elements of Common Foreign and Security Policy - CFSP (EU foreign policy in terms of 'high politics') and pre-Lisbon Treaty EU external relations (Community foreign policy of 'low politics'). Both two phenomena are explained by process (policy-making process), legal (sources of EU law) and substantive analysis (vertical and horizontal arenas of EU external action). The analysis includes the influence of individual EU member states foreign policies in the implementation of so called European Foreign Policy. Using in-depth case studies the course provides findings on how, under what conditions and in which EU policy areas EU can actively perform its policy goals or profit from presence in international community. Vertical arenas of EU external action presented are: external trade, development, environment, energy, agriculture, justice and home affairs, migration, EU enlargement policy, and EU neighbourhood policy. Horizontal arenas give special attention to EU's relations with: Western Balkans, Mediterranean and East-European neighbourhood, Black Sea, BRICS and the USA.
Learning and teaching methods
Lectures, seminar and tutorials in small groups, thematic workshops, individual and small group assignments, e-classroom (distance learning), active (reflective) teaching, written analytical work.
Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
Conceptual mastering of European foreign policy, EU external relations, European Political Cooperation, EU foreign policy, EU external action, CFSP by EU primary legislation and International Relations (historical and theoretical) interpretation. Mastering of process analysis and substantive analysis (vertical and horizontal) of EU external action. Application of the concepts to chosen cases of horizontal and vertical analysis.
Bretherton, Charlotte and John Volger. 2006. The European Union as a Global Actor. 2nd Ed. London and New York: Routledge.
Hill, Christopher, Michael Smith and Sophie Vonhoonacker. 2017. International Relations and the European Union. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Jorgensen, Knud Erik et al, eds. 2015. The SAGE Handbook of European Foreign Policy. London: SAGE.
Keulkeleire, Stephan and Tom Delreux. 2014. The Foreign Policy of the European Union. 2nd Ed. Baginstoke: Palgrave.
Koutakos, Panos, ed. 2011. European Foreign Policy: Legal and Political Perspectives. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
No prerequisits.
Additional information on implementation and assessment • mark of a written final exam
• mark of active participation in seminars and tutorials, thematic workshops, individual assignments, e-classroom and
• mark of written analytical work.