Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding
Upon completion of this subject a student will be able to:
• demonstrate basic understanding and knowledge of different methods of alternative dispute resolution and arbitration,
• recognize basic advantages and disadvantages of choosing a specific type of dispute resolution,
• to assist persons agreeing upon a specific method of alternative dispute resolution and arbitration,
• give advice and be involved in different proceedings of alternative dispute resolution and arbitration.
Intended learning outcomes - transferable/key skills and other attributes
• capacity of written and oral argumentation on problems of arbitration law and alternative dispute resolution,
• capacity of applying methods of conflict resolution in social interaction on basic level,
• capacity of abstract contemplation about the sophisticated legal problems of non-state dispute resolution.
• L. Ude: Arbitražno pravo, GV Založba, Ljubljana 2004.
• E. Gaillard, J. Savage: Fourchard, Gaillard, Goldman on International Commercial Arbitration, Kluwer Law International, The Hague 1999.
• M. Rubino-Sammartano: International arbitration. Law and Practice,Kluwer Law international, The Hague 2001 (ali novejša).
• A. E. Barsky: Conflict Resolution fort he Helping Professions, Brooks/Cole 2002.
• L. Ude, N. Betetto, V. Rijavec, T. Frantar, T. Keresteš, S. Prelič, M. Đorđević, R. Vrenčur, M. Tratnik, H. Jenull, M. Jan, A. Galič: Gradivo za šolo civilnega procesnega prava. Nebra, Ljubljana 2002.
• V. Rijavec, T. Keresteš, L. Ude, N. Betetto, M. Tratnik, R. Vrenčur, A. Bizjak, H. Jenull, N. Plavšak, B. Podgoršek, U. Kežmah: Gradivo za štiridnevno šolo civilnega procesnega prava, Nebra, Ljubljana 2001.Zakon o arbitraži, Zakon o mediaciji v civilnih in gospodarskih zadevah, Zakon o alternativnem reševanju sodnih sporov, Zakon o pravdnem postopku, Zakon o nepravdnem postopku, Zakon o mednarodnem zasebnem pravu in postopku, pravilniki Stalne arbitraže pri GZS, Arbitraže pri Zavarovalnici Triglav, ICC/MZT, Pravila UNCITRAL, Vzorčni zakon UNCITRAL o mednarodni trgovinski arbitraži ter druga veljavna zakonodaja in mednarodne pogodbe.