Objectives and competences

• Poznajo živa bitja, njihove življenjske procese in interakcije z okoljem. •Poznajo pomen označevanja hrane. • Razumejo agrobiodiverziteto ter pomembnost trajnostne pridelave in potrošnje hrane. • Razumejo pomembnost ohranjanja in spodbujanja biotske raznovrstnosti v svojem okolju ter se zavedajo vpliva svojih dejanj na okolje. •Prizadevajo si za zmanjševanje ogljičnega odtisa in trajnostno uporabo naravnih virov. •They have knowledge of living organisms, their life processes, and their interactions with the environment. • They understand the importance of food labeling. • They understand agrobiodiversity and the importance of sustainable food production and consumption. • They understand the importance of preserving and promoting biodiversity in their environment. They are also aware of the impact of their actions on the environment • They strive for reducing carbon footprint and sustainable use of natural resources.

Content (Syllabus outline)

The subject covers key concepts of sustainable food production and its significance for biodiversity conservation. The special attention will be given to promoting the production and use of local food as a key element in reducing carbon footprint. The focus will be on raising awareness about the importance of local food in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving food quality, and preserving local culture and tradition. Students will acquire knowledge about identifying and understanding labels for sustainably produced food and develop skills for sustainable management of natural resources, with a focus on biodiversity conservation.

Learning and teaching methods

• Lectures • Seminar work • Excursions • Homework

Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding

• They gain experience and skills related to researching living organisms and their habitats. • They are trained to organize sustainable and green science activities that promote the sustainable use of natural resources, the use of renewable energy sources, and waste reduction. • They are able to transfer acquired theoretical knowledge to a practical level with the aim of implementing green and sustainable practices that ensure sustainable food production.


Bio gre v šolo: ekološko kmetijstvo in pomen ekološko pridelave hrane. 2014. Alpe Jadran Biosimpozij, Hoče, Slovenija [urednik Franc Bavec]. FKBV, Maribor Pogačnik, Strgar, Žibert, Urška. 2013. Uporaba šolskega vrta pri dijakih biotehniške usmeritve B., Znanje in izkušnje za nove podjetniške priložnosti [Elektronski vir] : zbornik referatov = Knowledge and experience for new entrepreneurial opportunities : collection of papers.- Str. 377-384 Ribarič. 2014. Učilnica v naravi : šolski vrt včeraj, danes, jutri / [avtorica kataloga Mateja Ribarič ; prevod Maja Hakl Saje, Natalija Žižić], Slovenski šolski muzej, Ljubljana Pogačnik. 2013. Osrednja vloga šolskega vrta v kmetijskem izobraževanju : doktorska disertacija. Univ. v Ljubljani, Biotehniška fak.




  • Portfolio: 50
  • Seminar work: 50

  • : 20
  • : 5
  • : 30
  • : 35

  • Slovenian
  • Slovenian

  • Kreditno ovrednotena obštudijska dejavnost - 0th