Objectives and competences

Cilj predmeta je, da udeleženci osvojijo osnove poznavanja in razumevanja živalskih organizmov, da jih razumejo kot del biotske pestrosti, ki je nujna za človekovo dobrobit, saj človeku in družbi nudi številne ekosistemske storitve. Cilj je tudi preko direktnega stika z živalmi na terenu in izkustvenega učenja rokovanja z živalmi vzpodbuditi zanimanje za živali z namenom razvoja pozitivnega odnosa do prosto živečih živali v lokalnem okolju ter namenom ohranjanja njihovih habitatov in upoštevanja zakonodaje, ki ščiti živali in njihove habitate. Študentje/udeleženci predmeta bodo po zaključku predmeta pridobili kompetence: - znali našteti osnovne značilnosti živalskih organizmov - znali našteti razlike v telesni zgradbi živalskih organizmov in znali na primerih pojasnit morfološke prilagoditve izbranih živali na različna življenjska okolja, na različne načine prehranjevanja oziroma tip hrane - znali v naravnem okolju poiskat in prepoznat različne živali in pojasnit njihovo vlogo v ekosistemu - znali našteti in razložiti različne nivoje biotske pestrosti (genetski, vrstni, ekosistemski) in jih pojasnit na primerih živali - znali prepoznat in navesti primere upadanja/izgube diverzitete živali zaradi uničevanja in izgube habitatov, netrajnostne rabe populacij, tujerodnih vrst, onesnaževanja in podnebnih sprememb na globalnem in lokalnem nivoju - znali pojasniti in argumentirano zagovarjati pomen biotske pestrosti in pestrosti živali za dobrobit človeka ter znali prepoznati, našteti in razumeti ekosistemske storitve - znali poiskati in interpretirati zakonodajo, ki ščiti prosto živeče živali, ter dolžnosti, ki jih ima država in posameznik, za zaščito živali - razvili občutek (tudi lastne) odgovornosti in motivacije za vzpostavljanje in ohranjanje ugodnih pogojev za dolgoročno preživetje živali v naravnem okolju. The aim of the course is for participants to acquire basic knowledge and understanding of animal organisms, to perceive them as part of biodiversity, which is necessary for human well-being, as it provides numerous ecosystem services to humans and society. The aim is also to stimulate interest in animals through direct contact with them in the field and experiential learning of animal handling, with the purpose of developing a positive attitude towards wildlife in the local environment and preserving their habitats while observing the legislation protecting animals and their habitats Students/participants of the course will: - be able to list with the basic characteristics of animal organisms - be able to list diversity of the body structure of animal organisms and be able to explain, by examples, the morphological adaptations of selected animals to different environments, feeding strategies and types of food - in natural environment, be able to locate and identify different animals and explain their role in the ecosystem - be able to list and explain different levels of biodiversity (genetic, species, ecosystem) and explain them using animal examples - able to recognize and give examples of the decline/loss of animal diversity due to habitat destruction and loss, unsustainable use of populations, alien species, pollution and climate change at global and local levels - be able to explain and argue for the importance of biodiversity and animal diversity for human well-being and be able to identify, list and understand ecosystem services - be able to find and interpret the legislation that protects wildlife and the obligations of the country and the individuals for protect animals - develop a sense of (personal) responsibility and motivation for establishing and maintaining favourable conditions for the long-term survival of animals in their natural environment.

Content (Syllabus outline)

Animals are part of biodiversity. Biodiversity refers to the variety of living organisms and ecosystems on Earth. Animals are an important part of biodiversity, representing a large portion of the diversity of living organisms on Earth. Understanding animals and their habitats is essential for maintaining biodiversity and the long-term survival of species. Key topics covered in this subject include: - General characteristics of animal organisms. - Diversity in the body structure of animal organisms and morphological adaptations to different environments, feeding strategies, and roles in ecosystems. - Different levels of biodiversity (genetic, species, ecosystem) and the diversity of animals. - Threats to biodiversity and animal diversity due to habitat destruction and loss, overexploitation and unsustainable use of populations, invasive species, pollution, and climate change. - The importance of biodiversity and animal diversity for human well-being (ecosystem services). - Protection of wildlife (legislation and examples). The purpose of this subject is not only to acquire the listed professional knowledge, but also to develop a positive attitude towards animals and nature and their conservation.

Learning and teaching methods

Predavanja, seminarji Laboratorijske in terenske vaje Lectures, Seminars Laboratory and field exercises

Intended learning outcomes - knowledge and understanding

Students/participants of the course will: - be familiar with the basic characteristics of animal organisms - be familiar with the basic diversity of the body structure of animal organisms and be able to explain, by examples, the morphological adaptations of selected animals to different environments, feeding strategies and types of food - be able to locate and identify different animals in ecosystems and explain their role in the ecosystem - understand different levels of biodiversity (genetic, species, ecosystem) and explain them using animal examples - be aware, able to recognize and give examples of the decline/loss of animal diversity due to habitat destruction and loss, unsustainable use of populations, alien species, pollution and climate change at global and local levels - be able to explain and argue for the importance of biodiversity and animal diversity for human well-being and be able to identify, list and understand ecosystem services - be familiar with the legislation that protects wildlife and the obligations of the country and the individuals for protect animals - develop a sense of (personal) responsibility and motivation for establishing and maintaining favourable conditions for the long-term survival of animals in their natural environment.


Hickman, C. P. Jr., Roberts, L. S., Keen, Susan L., Eisenhour, D. J., Larson, A., I'Anson, H., 2020 (ali starejše): Integrated Principles of Zoology. McGraw Hill. New York. Klenovšek, T., Lipovšek Delakorda, S., 2013: Splošna zoologija: kompendij z navodili za vaje za študijski program Biologija. Maribor: Fakulteta za naravoslovje in matematiko, Oddelek za biologijo. Janžekovič, F., 2023: Makroekologija: analiza biodiverzitetnih podatkov. Univerza v Mariboru, Univerzitetna založba, Maribor.



  • izr. prof. dr. TINA KLENOVŠEK

  • Seminar work and it's presentation: 100

  • : 15
  • : 5
  • : 25
  • : 45

  • Slovenian
  • Slovenian

  • Kreditno ovrednotena obštudijska dejavnost - 0th