Accommodation, Student Meals and Health Services


When choosing a study programme, prospective students should also think about their accommodation and meal options, and how to take care of their health and well-being. Don't forget to eat healthy and exercise!

 Student Meals with Coupons

Students are entitled to subsidised student meals (student coupons). This means that you can eat a nutritious stu​dent meal in certain restaurants in Maribor or elsewhere in Slove​nia for about 4.5 EUR on avarage. The rest of the meal's price is subsidised by the Slovenian Government.


Picture of food

 Residence Permit to Reside in Slovenia

​Dear international student,
if you have been accepted to enrol at the University of Maribor and it is now time to arrange your temporary residence permit, please, follow the guide that is available at the Study in Slovenia website.


Mobility in Maribor and Slovenia 
​Students are entitled to purchase subsidised tickets for public transportation​if their place of residence is at least 2 km distant to their place of education. 

In Maribor, around 20 bus lines offer 
frequent routes at a reasonable price. The cheapest way to commute locally by bus is to buy your ticket before you take the bus. You can buy a specific number of rides or a monthly card. It is also possible to buy the ticket on the bus for 2 EUR. 

For e-Tickets contact Marprom:
📞+386 (0)59 180 482
🚎 They are located at Mlinska ulica 1, 2000 Maribor. 


What to do if you fall sick?
During the academic year, many students stay away from home and need a personal physician. The right to medical treatment in Slovenia depends on your health insurance coverage. You can find information on student health insurance at the links below.​​​


Student Dormitories of the University of Maribor

Students who come to study at the UM from other cities and countries need quality accommodation. UM Student Dormitories offer almost 3,000 beds. We can offer you accommodation in 3 campuses: Gosposvetska, Tyrševa and Quadro. The rooms are mostly double rooms; kitchen, bathroom and toilets are shared. Students may, under certain conditions, receive accommodation subsidy during their study. ​​​

Student Dormitories of the University of Maribor​​

Zadnja sprememba: 19. 07. 2023 16:31