On 5 July 2021, the University of Maribor shall open the second application period for Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship and citizens of non-EU Member States – foreigners under the 2021/2022 Call for Enrolment in Postgraduate Study Programmes of the University of Maribor.
In the second application period, candidates may apply for master's (second-cycle) and doctoral (third-cycle) study programmes offered by faculties of the University of Maribor. Detailed information on UM study programmes can be found in the display of study programmes implemented by the UM faculties.
In the second application period, the following candidates may submit the application: those who did not apply in the first application period; those who were not admitted to the selected study programme in the first application period; and those who wish to apply for part-time study programmes.
Candidates shall submit their application for enrolment in postgraduate study programmes of the University of Maribor which will be re-offered in this application period via the eVŠ web portal with a qualified digital certificate, Arnes AAI account (an account of the Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure), or with a username and password after logging in to the SI-PASS system of the Trust Service Authority of Slovenia. When candidates log in to the SI-PASS system for the first time, they will be asked to register a user account within which they also choose the desired method of submitting the application for enrolment. Candidates are reminded to remember or save the username and password they will use when registering a SI-PASS user account.
The application shall be considered as submitted in time if it is completed and submitted via eVŠ by means of an electronic signature (a qualified digital certificate or an Arnes AAI account) or without an electronic signature (a username and password) by 8 September 2021. Supplemental documents required by the UM faculty implementing the study programme shall also be submitted electronically via the eVŠ web portal. If a candidate is required to supplement the application, the request will be posted on the eVŠ web portal and the candidate will be notified about the post to the e-mail address specified in his or her application.
In the second application period, each candidate may submit a maximum of one application – each entry in eVŠ shall be considered one application (irrespective of study option, mode of study, application type, etc.). If the candidate tries to submit a second application (or more), an automatic warning will appear and the application will not be submitted. Irrespective of the chosen authentication method (by means of an electronic signature or without an electronic signature with a username and password), the candidate will no longer be able to edit the application after clicking on the “Submit" button; however, he or she will be able to delete it, fill in a new application, and submit it until the application deadline is open. The candidate will receive an email confirmation for each alteration made (to the email address indicated in the application form).
WARNING: The application is valid only if the candidate pressed the »Submit« button in eVŠ; otherwise the application will not be submitted and will thus not be considered in the selection procedure. Before completing the application procedure, candidates are advised to verify whether the application has indeed been submitted. Candidates will always receive an email notification of the successful application to the email address indicated in the application form. |
Information on postgraduate study programmes with limited enrolment after the second application period will be available on the website of the University of Maribor on 13 September 2021.
Faculties shall enrol candidates admitted in the second application period by the internal deadline set by each relevant faculty, however, no later than 30 September 2021. If a candidate files a request for an extension of the enrolment deadline for legitimate reasons (to be decided on by competent faculty bodies), the enrolment deadline may be extended to 30 October 2021 at the latest. If a candidate submitted the application for recognition of foreign academic qualifications in due time, but it is nonetheless unreasonable to expect that the decision will be issued by 30 September 2021, the candidate is advised to file a written request for an extension of the deadline for enrolment for legitimate reasons with the relevant faculty.