My UM Si > News > Public Call for Awarding a Financial Incentive to Talented International Students from the Field of STEM at UM-TALENT:UM 2024

Public Call for Awarding a Financial Incentive to Talented International Students from the Field of STEM at UM-TALENT:UM 2024

Published: 6. 02. 2024


T​he TALENT:UM financial incentives awarded by the UM through this public call are intended to talented international students enrolled in 1st- or 2nd-cycle study programmes in the field of STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) at the UMThe purpose of the financial incentives is, on the one hand, to encourage young people to study in the STEM field, as t​he field has excellent growth potential and is the basis for the long-term development and competitiveness of Slovenia and Europe. At the same time, the UM wants to attract more talented international students who demons​trate exceptional academic achievements and research potential to help them obtain a quality higher education in the field of STEM in Slovenia (EU) and to develop their talents during their studies. Financial incentives are primarily intended for additional activities related to the development of talent and enabling the further achievement of exceptional achievements.​

Eligible applicants for the financial incentive are students who are enrolled at the UM in a 1st- or 2nd-cycle study programme and: 

  • are citizens of non-EU countries,
  • have not completed their previous education (1st-cycle of study or secondary school) in the Republic of Slovenia unless they were first enrolled in the international baccalaureate programme in Slovenia,
  • ​​have during their previous education as pupils or as students achieved exceptional academic achievements in the international arena and demonstrated research potential.

 The application deadline is 1 October 2024 until 14:00 CET at the latest.

More information on the public call is available on the website > Future Students > Funding of Study.
