Funding of Study

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ ​Payment of Tuition Fees for Study Programmes of the University of Maribor

In accordance with Article 72a of the Higher Education Act (ZViS), citizens of the Republic of Slovenia and citizens of other European Union Member States are NOT charged​ the costs of tuition fees for state-approved 1st- and 2nd-cycle study programmes implemented as full-time studies and provided as a public service. The same applies to citizens of Norway, Iceland, Liechtensteinand Switzerland, as well as citizens of countries with which the Republic of Slovenia signed a protocol on cooperation in the field of education (i.e. Montenegro, Kosovo, North MacedoniaBosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia). 


Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, citizens of all above-mentioned countries are charged a tuition fee if they have already obtained education corresponding to at least the level of education obtained under the study programme in which they are enrolled, or if they have not yet obtained an education corresponding to at least the level of education obtained under the study programme in which they are enrolled and their student status in the previous study programme has terminated in accordance with Article 70 of the Higher Education Act (ZViS).


Notwithstanding the preceding paragraph, the tuition fee is not charged to students enrolled in parallel full-time first-cycle and second-cycle (master’s) study programmes if they have enrolled in the enrolment places for parallel studies and are already enrolled in the study programme leading to the level of education that corresponds to at least the level of education of the parallel study programme. The tuition fee is also not charged if the student has already exercised the right to repeat a year or change the study programme or study option due to failure to fulfil study obligations in the previous study option or study programme but has enrolled in a higher year than was previously enrolled at the same level of study.


Citizens of non-EU Member States are required to pay a tuition fee in accordance with the Rules on Tuition Fees and Accommodation in Student Dormitories for Slovenians without Slovenian Citizenship and Foreign Nationals in the Republic of Slovenia (Official Gazette of the Republic of Slovenia, No. 77/16). As of the 2021/2022 academic year, citizens of the United Kingdom are enrolled as citizens of non-EU Member States and are charged a tuition fee. The amount of the tuition fee for Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship and citizens of non-EU Member States - foreigners is determined by the amount of the tuition fee for Slovene citizens for part-time study programmes.

A person whose student status is terminated due to withdrawal from the study programme or study option can re-enrol in the same study programme or option. For the mentioned study programme, they need to pay a tuition fee in accordance with Article 77 (paragraph 6) of the Higher Education Act (ZViS). 

UM Price List - Tuition Fees and Other Study Costs at the University of Maribor​

Financing of Doctoral Studies

​Students studying under the 3rd​-cycle study programmes are charged a tuition fee; however, students of the University of Maribor may apply for co-funding under the public call for applications for the co-funding of doctoral study programmes for students of the University of Maribor or for financing of research work under the public call for early-stage researcher candidates. Candidates are reminded that applying for one of the mentioned calls is not enough for enrolment in doctoral studies; the candidate who is not yet enrolled in doctoral studies must also apply separately via the eVŠ portal for the call for enrolment in postgraduate study programme​s of the University of Maribor​. Candidates should pay attention to different application deadlines under these calls.

Co-funding of doctoral studies
In accordance with the available budget funds, the budget of the Republic of Slovenia also co-funds third-cycle studies at public higher education institutions. 

Every year in the summer months (June, July), in accordance with the allocated funds, the University of Maribor announces the "Public Call for Applications for the Co-Funding of Doctoral Study Programmes for Students of the University of Maribor". The Call will be published on the UM Doctoral School subpage
Financing of Doctoral Studies
​Financing research work
The Slovenian Research Agency, through the Young Researchers programme, enables postgraduate students to participate in research work during their studies on the basis of a fixed-term employment contracts. The Agency finances their salaries, social contributions as well as material and non-material costs. Funds for the training of young researchers are allocated for a fixed-term, up to a maximum of 4 years for a PhD programme. ​(Source: ARIS)

Every year the University of Maribor announces the "Public Call for Early-Stage Researcher Candidates". ​The Call will be published on the Department of Researc​h and Arts subpage​​.

 Public Call for Awarding a Financial Incentive to Talented International Students from the Field of STEM at the UM – Talent:UM 2024


The scholarships are intended to promote education and help scholarship recipients achieve a ​higher level o​f education. They are a supplementary benefit intended to cover educational costs.​ More information on scholarships is available at the following link:

 Bilateral Protocols on Cooperation

Citizens of the following countries with which the Republic of Slovenia signed a protocol on cooperation in the field of education are entitled to funding under the same terms and conditions as citize​n of the Republic of Slovenia:
  • M​ontenegro​ (the agreement is automatically extended once the period of five years has expired; valid until the accession of Montenegro to the EU)
  • Republic of Kosovo (valid until the accession of Kosovo to the EU)
  • Republic of North Macedonia (the agreement is automatically extended once the period of five years has expired; valid until the accession of Macedonia to the EU)​​
  • Bosnia and Hercegovina (valid until the accession of Bosnia and Herzegovina to the EU)
  • Republic of Serbia (valid until the accession of Serbia to the EU)​

UM Cost Calculator

Dear students!

We are introducing a UM cost calculator that will help you estimate expenses and plan your budget. In two sections, multiple answers are possible, depending on your needs and lifestyle. Keep in mind that the tuition fees provided are just estimates and averages since they can vary depending on the study programme you choose. The UM study programmes are performed in Slovene. Only a few are offered in English, which is indicated next to the name of the faculty.

Now, here's where things get interesting! How will you rank yourself as a consumer?

This decision will have an impact on the calculation for the food, groceries, and free time section. Take into account that transportation costs are not included, since most places are within walking distance, and for longer distances you can explore greener and student budget-friendly options, like MBajk or public transportation. Choose wisely and get your personalised monthly budget estimate.


Food and groceries

Free time

Tuition and fees

Calculation of living expenses per month: ... EUR

Approximately expenses per year with included tuition fee: ... EUR

Zadnja sprememba: 10. 02. 2025 21:59